Meet Sam

Samantha a.k.a Sam :)

So, as you’ve probably already gathered, my name is Sam and I am a mommy. I have a three year old little boy named Jake, who is not only a handful but the highlight of my life. When my son was four months old, my then husband (I’ll explain later) and I discovered that Jake is completely deaf. At that point in time, I was unrealistically devastated and thought it was a cruel way to take away any opportunities my son may have before he barely got a start at living. 
Thankfully, it couldn’t be farther from the truth. I’m a little dramatic, what can I say? Long story short, he received the cochlear implant last January and has made remarkable progress. He went from hearing nothing to hearing everything and is just now starting to make some sense of it all. If all goes according to plan, he will be caught up with his peers by the time he’s four, guess you could say I have a smart little boy. Be prepared for many proud mommy moments as he continues to progress and defy what I was afraid he wouldn’t be capable of.

Now a little about me for all those who have been patiently waiting. I am currently a Grad student getting my Master’s in Speech Pathology (actually TSSLD, which stands for Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities, but that’s quite the mouthful when you’re explaining yourself in casual conversation). 
For anyone who may be thinking it, yes, my son’s disability influenced my career choice. I already have my Bachelor’s in journalism, but thanks to our economy, that field is dying, at a rather quick pace, as you have probably noticed, so a new game plan was needed.  

I briefly mentioned above I was married to my son’s biological father but that ended just after Jake’s first birthday. We were young and barely knew ourselves so how we expected to know each other is your guess is as good as mine.  We were together for five years and thankfully have been able to remain civil and somewhat friendly for the sake of our son. It’s not a complete sob story in the relationship department for me. Thankfully, not long after my ex and I split up, I met my next (and last) husband, Dillon. He willingly and successfully has stepped up to the plate as a parental figure and has been a great addition to our family. We just recently got married this past September so we’re still in the honeymoon phase, or at least trying to be with a busy schedule and a toddler.

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